Upcoming Events June 2019

Take the Journal of Human Lactation readership survey today! 

The JHL would like to hear from ILCA members in order to continue responding to the changing needs of its readers. Please take some time to complete the readership survey and help the Journal remain a leading source of quality research in the field of lactation. The survey will close on 15 July 2019. Take the JHL Survey Now.

GOLD Neonatal Online Conference

July 19th         Final Day to Register for GOLD Neonatal 2019
August 2nd     Access to Presentation Recordings Closes

USLCA Webinars

June 28th             3:00 p.m. EST – Business Basics: Starting and Sustaining Your Practice
August 5th            4:00 p.m. EST – Alternative Universe: Providing Lactation Care to the Preterm Dyad with Christine Staricka
August 13th          10:00 a.m. EST – Breastfeeding’s Four Horseman of the Apocalypse: Hypoglycemia, Hyponatremia, Weight Loss, Hyperbilirubinemia
September 16th   1:00 p.m. EST – Abuse, Bias, and Childbirth: How Women in Appalachia are Considered Second Class

USLCA Workshops

What topics would you be most interested in learning? Fill out the quick survey today!
Would you like to speak for USLCA’s 2020 workshop series? Let us know by completing the speaker interest form.

Social Norms and Infant Feeding Study

Recruitment is open for the Social Norms and Infant Feeding Study through The George Washington University. We are studying how social norms influence decisions about infant feeding. Eligibility criteria: 18+, Identify as Black/African American (non-Hispanic), born in the U.S., had at least one baby 2016 – 2019, live in Washington, DC, exclusively breastfed or exclusively formula fed, or any combination. Incentive: $100 gift card. Interested mothers should contact Aubrey Van Kirk Villalobos, MPH, MEd at, work (202) 994-2680, cell (901) 846-6101.

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