
Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act

  The Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act (H.R. 3110) is going to the House floor for a vote this week! This is a critical moment for the PUMP Act. Please join us in taking action by calling, tweeting, and emailing your representatives in the House of Congress and asking them to, “Vote YES for the PUMP Act”.

Nearly 9 million women of childbearing age are not covered by the Break Time for Nursing Mothers law, the federal law that requires break time and a private space for breastfeeding employees to pump during the workday. The PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act is the strongest workplace lactation law proposed in Congress. If passed, the PUMP Act would strengthen the existing Break Time law by:

  • closing the coverage gap by expanding protection to nearly 9 million women
  • ensuring that nursing workers have access to remedies that are available for other violations of the Fair Labor Standards Acts while also giving employees a short window to comply with the private space requirements
  • extending protections to two years after a child’s birth as well as protecting lactating workers in the event of stillbirth, adoption, or surrogacy
  • directing the Department of Labor to issue guidance to assist employers in complying with the law
  • providing employers clarity on when pumping time must be paid and when it many be unpaid.

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